Quick and helpful answers to the most common questions about our services.
Tree adoption in the Amazon is an environmental commitment that allows individuals and companies to contribute to forest preservation. By adopting a tree, you support reforestation and sustainability initiatives.
The process is simple. Choose the number of trees you want to adopt, make the corresponding payment, and receive an adoption certificate. Your support will directly contribute to reforestation projects in the Amazon region.
Each adopted tree contributes to carbon dioxide absorption, promoting biodiversity and helping combat climate change. Additionally, your contribution supports local communities and sustainable practices.
Yes, we provide regular updates on the progress of reforestation projects, including specific information about the adopted trees. We want you to track the positive impact of your contribution.
Currently, we do not offer physical visits, but we are exploring options to provide virtual experiences that allow adopters to connect with the preserved environment.
We work in partnership with recognized environmental organizations and provide detailed accountability for funds raised and how they are utilized. Transparency is crucial in our preservation mission.
Yes, tree adoption is a meaningful and eco-friendly gift. Just provide the necessary information during the adoption process, and we will send a personalized certificate to the recipient.
It is the temporary acquisition of seedlings planted within the available areas of Adotaí Amazônia and partner landowners. The client can choose native, fruit-bearing, and timber species for adoption, aiding in preservation.
Native species from the Amazon rainforest sourced from properly licensed partner nurseries will be planted to restore areas affected by deforestation, fires, erosion, or other forms of degradation, and made available for adoption.
Adotaí Amazônia offers environmental preservation and monitoring through its tree adoption services for standing trees and seedlings planted in degraded areas, promoting environmental recovery, increased carbon sequestration, and the development of local communities.
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